The Punjab Environmental Protection (Delegation of Powers for Environmental Approvals) Rules, 2017 are made under the Section 31 read with Section 26 of the Punjab Environmental Protection Act, 1997. The Punjab Environmental Protection (Delegation of Powers for Environmental Approvals) Rules, 2017 provide a framework established to streamline and decentralize the process of granting environmental approvals. It extends to whole of the Punjab. Under these rules, certain environmental approval powers are delegated to the division level, making it more efficient and accessible for businesses and individuals to obtain the necessary environmental clearances. The Punjab Environmental Protection (Delegation of Powers for Environmental Approvals) Rules, 2017 specify the procedures and criteria for the delegation of these powers, including the issuance of No Objection Certificates (NOCs) for various development and industrial projects. This delegation of powers aims to expedite the approval process and promote economic development while ensuring that environmental standards and safeguards are maintained at the district level.