KASB Bank Limited (“Bank”) was a Pakistani bank and was subjected to action by the Federal Government and the State Bank of Pakistan under Section 47 of the Banking Companies Ordinance 1962 (the “Ordinance) firstly by way of a moratorium and then by amalgamation with Bank Islami Pakistan Limited. The value of KASB Bank at the time of amalgamation was held to have a negative valuation and as a result the shareholder were not given any compensation for the shares. The basic allegation against the Bank was that its capital adequacy ratio (CAR) was not up to the required limit and that the minimum capital requirements were not being met.
The merger/amalgamation was challenged inter alia on the grounds that actions taken against the Bank were contrary to Article 24 of the Constitution of Pakistan. Furthermore, the m andatory procedure laid down in the subsections 6 & 7 of section 47 of the Ordinance had not been properly followed and the discretion vest in terms thereof in the Federal Government and State Bank had been exercised in a mala fide manner. The most important above all was that an ample opportunity was not given to shareholders to lodge their objections and suggestions.
The crux of the verdict given by the learned High Court while deciding the above petition is as follows: