Careers - Khalid Zafar & Associates

Career Advice for Young Lawyers

Qualities for Associated Lawyers to work in a Law Firm

A common question arises in the mind of fresh entrants in the law profession that what qualities are envisaged in young lawyers which can lead them to grow with in a law firm or otherwise make them a polished professional.

  1. The foremost quality of associated lawyers is their reliability and availability. The lawyers can grow in law firm when they prove that they are reliable enough to be entrusted with work and are available as per requirement of work.
  2. The hard work is another equal important quality. The lawyer can overcome their shortcoming by hardworking and spending more time in reading and doing case law search.
  3. It is not important for an associate lawyer to know each and every thing. The important thing is the direction and the input which an associate is incurring in a particular assignment.
  4. The associate lawyers while acquiring knowledge shall focus to assist the senior lawyers in a manner which should make their positions fruitful.
  5. The punctuality and consistency is a key to success in every field of life and so is the case with legal profession. A legal profession demands these quality more than any other profession for a young lawyer to become successful.

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